Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, August 19, 2023

God the Father Almighty Has Decided That This Place Must Be Recognized

Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy of August 19, 2023



My children, also today the Most Holy Trinity is in your midst, My presence is very strong in your midst, I am wrapping you all in My Maternal Mantle. I am very happy to be able to continue to reveal to you the history that belongs to this place, to this Cave, many events have happened here that today consider that they are legends, many signs I have bestowed in many places on earth that today are remembered as legend. God the Father Almighty has decided that this place must be recognized, and soon you will have confirmations of what is happening here today.

The Holy Trinity has always been working since ancient times, here My Statue was found, brought here by My Son Michael, the most powerful Archangel who is in Heaven and on earth, was brought back here today for the last time, and this day coincides with the first day that the Statue was built by the Community of the Baptizers, on this day they began to plan everything, the people in charge gathered who, under the leadership of John the Baptist, were enlightened, He will tell you about this.

Do not fear My children, day by day this extraordinary story will become clearer and clearer to you and you will be able to tell the whole world about it, it will involve many who will come here.

I love you My children immensely, now I must leave you, I give you a kiss, I bless you all in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.


Brothers, sisters, I am John the Baptist, I am the One who baptized Jesus the Son of God, I am the One who prepared the way for Him for His mission in this world.

Brothers, sisters, today is a very important day, you today are representing the Community that God has given Me, you are representing the Community of the Baptizers that I love immensely, that I have led from the day of its founding. My spirit has always been among them, as it is among you today, the spirit of truth, of strength, of courage, reigned in the Community, but it was not always so. Day by day the Community grew and grew stronger, God the Father Almighty continually tested their hearts, tempered their faith, their spirit. You too like them let the Holy Trinity mold you, only then will you become more and more community, let the Holy Trinity reign among you, as He reigned in the Community of the Baptizers. The Holy Trinity was a living presence in the Community, every day they had signs of the Divine presence, the founders of the Community were in continuous dialogue with the Godhead, but all this did not shock them, because their hearts were open, they were ready to welcome the immensity of Heaven, the Holy Trinity works great wonders through man who gives himself completely to Them.

On the day that the Statue of Mary, The Mother of God, was designed, My brother and disciple Elijah was very troubled in His heart, He did not understand what His heart desired, He sensed in Him a great desire to honor the Mother of God, He did not yet understand the way to honor Her, so He opened His heart to His brothers and to the founders of the Community and told them how He felt, together they began to pray with all their hearts, that is how they were enlightened and convinced to create the first Statue in honor of Mary, the Mother of God. At that moment their hearts were filled with joy, they were enthusiastic and involved the whole Community, My spirit was with them, I guided them at all times, encouraged them in their moments of discouragement, they felt this in their hearts, they loved and respected My teachings, because they understood that in My work in this world there was the presence of God the Most High.

Brothers, sisters, in the Community that God gave Me reigned mutual respect, mutual love reigned, every time they welcomed new souls there was a great celebration, they baptized the new souls in the name of Jesus, the Son of God, great signs the Holy Trinity bestowed every time the Divine water bathed the head of the new souls.

The Community of the Baptizers was born in Jerusalem, but in the years to follow they went around and pilgrimaged throughout Israel, they all moved together with wagons and tents and in their travels they continually praised the Holy Trinity. The Angels of God guided them on the darkest nights, the flame of Godhead lit their path, many children on the darkest nights saw the light, they invited the older ones to continue on their way, do not fear, they told them, the Angels are with us, and as soon as they believed the children's words they too saw the light, nothing is impossible to God.

I love you brothers and sisters, great things were happening in ancient times, so many things will be revealed to you, persevere because knowing the secrets of Heaven is a grace that is not granted to everyone, always be ready brothers and sisters.

Now I must leave you, My spirit remains with you, I will return to tell you about the Community that God has given Me and that you represent, be strong. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Source: ➥